Super Woman Capes Belong In 2021

Simone E. Morris
3 min readJan 29, 2022


Photo by David Dvořáček on Unsplash

Thank you, Medium, for the following prompt to get my writing juices flowing.

  • Describe one very specific thing you’d like to leave in 2021. This could be a physical object, an emotion, or a piece of yourself. Why won’t you be taking it with you?

The motivation worked, and I wrote 500 words when it was all said and done. Sometimes we make a mountain over a molehill. If you heard me whine over not accomplishing my writing goals, you would think 500 words was a thesis. I am making a concentrated effort to rewire my brain for better writing habits. My goal is to have a consistent writing practice to accomplish more pitches, articles, blog posts, and books that are all taking up way too much room in my brain.

I accomplished quite a bit in 2021:

  • I won grants for my business.
  • I wrote over 25 articles for my inclusive leadership column on Forbes.
  • I squeezed in five mini-vacations (heck, I went camping outside — if you know me, you know it’s a big deal that I slept outside more than once)
  • I finished the seventh season of the Power of Owning Your Career podcast.
  • I completed the fourth season of the Inclusion School Podcast.
  • I coordinated a fabulous birthday party for my daughter despite Covid constraints.
  • I showed up consistently on the caregiving rollercoaster for my mom.
  • I released a children’s book (Charlotte Wants A BFF) with Julie Kratz.
  • I signed up to be a Girls Scout Mom.
  • I went on some dates with my honey.
  • and more

But I ended the year exhausted. I couldn’t do any more by the time December rolled around.

I was yearning for sleep and freedom from the neverending to-do list. However, when I got that break, my mind would stop reeling. It took days for me to slow down the pace and be present in the final vacation of the year.

As I reflect on 2021, I realize that I must leave my superwoman cape behind. You know the one who says I’m Wonder Woman and I can do everything for everyone. Phew. It is so not true. For if you adopt that mentality, burnout and other health challenges ensues. As Tiffany Dufu says, you have to drop the ball. Unfortunately, I’ve never been comfortable with dropping the ball and have to learn to dance with the discomfort of ball drops. As I think back on the many times I pressed through when I was beyond exhausted; I realize that there is a better way, and I need to make healthier decisions. Because of my superwoman cape, I was dipping into sleep reserves and other unhealthy practices. So I am making a vow to leave this cape in 2021. I still have audacious goals, but I want to show up differently in 2022. How?

  1. I am giving myself and others grace for how we handle life’s challenges.
  2. I will be present to enjoy opportunities for unforgettable memories.
  3. I will say yes to available support instead of piling more on my plate than I can handle.
  4. I will delegate more to my team.
  5. I will take time out to learn and build my skills as a business owner.
  6. I will make more time for fun and play.
  7. I will get my hair done regularly.
  8. I will find time to go to the gym and exercise regularly.
  9. I will read and write more.
  10. I will spend more time working on my relationship with God.



Simone E. Morris
Simone E. Morris

Written by Simone E. Morris

I share best practices on inclusive leadership to transform workplace culture and tips for staying in the driver’s seat in your career.

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